Priadko Serhii Leonidovych

Senior teacher
Education and scientific and pedagogical activities:
He graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Mining Electromechanics and Automation in 1974, majoring in “Electrification and Automation of Mining Works” and qualified as a mining electrical engineer, diploma I #930796.
1974-1975 M.Sc. NDC of the department of automation of mining production FGEMA KPI
1975-1977 service in the strategic missile forces
1977-1982 M.S.Sc., Department of Automation of Mining Production, FGEMA KPI
1982-1985 post-graduate student of KPI, Department of Mechanical Engineering
1985-1998 n.s. NDC of the department of automation of mining production, GTF
1998-2000 leading engineer of the Department of Mechanical Engineering
from 2000 to the present Art. teacher of the department of AUEK, AEMK,
Scientific interests:
Regulated electric drive, synthesis of digital and microprocessor devices