The purpose of creating the circle is to provide favorable conditions for effective scientific and cognitive activity, development and organization of students’ leisure time, their intellectual and cultural education in the student environment of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky.
The main scientific and practical tasks of the circle:
– systematization of acquired theoretical knowledge of students in the field of modeling of mechatronic systems;
– preparing students for participation in scientific competitions, Olympiads, scientific seminars, conferences, etc.;
– activation of students’ creative abilities when writing scientific papers, which determines the readiness to create fundamentally new ideas that differ from traditional ones;
– development of abilities to generalize, analyze and present the results of one’s own scientific research activities by publishing the results of scientific research, reports at conferences, competitions, etc.;
– increasing the level of use of information sources for scientific research;
– expansion of students’ knowledge system, continuous improvement of their intellectual level through self-education;
– the ability to implement the results of scientific research in the development of working models and equipment of electrical engineering and mechatronics.
Examples of published scientific research
Dampers of the hysteresis type for damping shock pulses
A two-mode jet pump with an annular channel for the repair of oil wells using acid treatment
Methods of increasing the output of an oil well
Two-mode pulse generator for restoring the productivity of an oil well
Examples of implemented projects
It is very important for students to put their theoretical knowledge into practice. This gives an opportunity to participate in most stages of the product’s life cycle – from the idea, through analytical studies to design, then – manufacturing, assembly and operation.
The project of a wind turbine with a vertical axis of rotation. Along with a relatively small efficiency, this design is simple, there are no sliding capacitive contacts, there is independence of the output characteristics of the wind turbine from gusts and wind direction, etc. For students, such an object is primarily valuable for its combination of electrical, mechanical and electronic parts. Each of the parts has the opportunity to be investigated in real conditions, the results are analyzed and recommendations are made for the selection of national parameters.

The project of creating a milling compact device for working with soft sheet materials. This project is a typical mechatronic device and arouses interest even among humanitarian students. After all, the project has all the signs of mechatronics – electrical, electronic, mechanical parts, plus a software product. Development, design, assembly and adjustment of such a system is a long but interesting process. The project is still unfinished and there is a lot to work on both theoretically and practically.