About the department

Department of Automation of Electrical and Mechatronic Complexes

1. An abstract of the department’s activities.

The department prepares bachelors and masters (by professional and scientific direction) of full-time, part-time and accelerated forms of education under the educational program of training (specialization) “Engineering of intellectual electrotechnical and mechatronic complexes” – one of the most competitive specializations of technical universities of Ukraine.

Training of specialists is carried out on the basis of computer technologies in the field of automated control systems (in general, electrotechnical complexes). The department has the highest IV level of accreditation and trains doctors of philosophy.

Graduates of the specialization prepare for design, research and operation of electromechanical automation systems of objects in various industries, transport, municipalities, agriculture and other spheres of activity based on electronic-mechanical devices with computer control.

About 60% of the electrical energy produced in the world is transformed with the help of electromechanical automation systems and electric drives into mechanical energy for the movement of various objects in the widest spheres of human activity. The task of controlling the movement of electric drives requires the use of the latest cybernetic control methods and computer-intelligent electromechanical automation systems.

2. Direction of activity of the department.

Graduates of the department are engaged in the development, research, operation and maintenance of electrotechnical systems in the following directions:

Engineering – provision of services (execution of works) for the drafting of technical tasks, project proposals, conducting scientific research and technical and economic surveys, performing engineering and reconnaissance work on the construction of objects, development of technical documentation, design and design processing of objects of equipment and technology , provision of consultation and author’s supervision during installation and commissioning works, as well as provision of consultations related to such services (works); automation of electromechanical systems – automation systems in industry (technological equipment, automated lines, flexible production), buildings (smart home systems, climate control, lighting, access and emergency protection), utilities (pumping stations, heating points, elevators), agricultural production. The main areas of activity of the department are: development of theoretical foundations of optimal control of electromechanical systems of cyclic action (elevating machines, single-bucket and multi-bucket excavators, multi-purpose manipulators) using fuzzy controllers and neural networks; creation and implementation of technical means of energy saving in industry and communal economy, based on a regulated electric drive of alternating current; development of a system for managing the active capacity of production and energy systems; intellectualization of technological processes in energy; creation of a marking system for household electrical equipment; creation of a system of national standards in the field of energy conservation and energy industry.

3. Advantages and features of the department.

The department employs 6 doctors of technical sciences and 12 candidates of technical sciences.

The department is proud of its graduates, including: deputy head of the energy security department of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Yu.I. Shulga, President of the “Kyivpidzemshlyahbud” concern, Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of the 5th convocation D.Y. Andrievskyi, Deputy Minister of the Coal Industry of Ukraine A.V. Korzun, Ph.D. technical of Sciences, laureate of the state award V.I. Kot, director of the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management of NTUU KPI, doctor of technical sciences, prof. A.V. Prakhovnyk, hundreds of doctors and candidates of technical sciences, ministers, directors of scientific institutes, heads of industrial enterprises, factories, and firms.

The material base of the Department of Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes consists of 7 specialized laboratories of the educational process according to the department’s specialty. Two laboratories are computer classrooms for modeling electromechanical processes and automated design systems, two specialized classrooms, an office for course and diploma design, an information center, post-graduate and master’s programs, the office of the head of the department, teaching and the office of the head of laboratories. The total area of ​​all premises of the department is 1094 square meters. m.

The department’s laboratories are equipped with devices received from the department’s partner organizations: ABB Ukraine, SV Altera Kyiv, Ebm-papst, “ETI”, “Vened”, Grundfoss, Hitachi, EvroTerm “Interelekomplekt”, IT-Solution, LLC “AksionaGlobal Ukraine” and others.

Modern laboratories were put into operation: process automation No. 413 (72 sq. m.) of the company SV Altera Kyiv, computer modeling of processes and systems No. 416 (108 sq. m.) of the IT-Solution company.

The staff of the department is actively working on the modernization of educational laboratories. In recent years, 10 new laboratory stands have been created, where students of the department can work with modern samples of converting equipment and means of automation, researching solar cells.

More than 50 personal computers are used by students.

The department maintains contacts with leading companies specializing in the production of electrical equipment: Siemens, SV Altera Kyiv, ABB, SchneiderElectric, Nord, DTEK, ETI”, “Vened”, Grundfoss, Nuvoton, Lovato, Hitachi, EATON and many others. The department has close ties with industrial enterprises and scientific institutions.

4. Modern education.

The uniqueness of studying at the department of automation of electrotechnical and mechatronic complexes under the educational program “Engineering of automated electrotechnical complexes” lies in the opportunity for students of higher education:

1. Studying under double degree programs in foreign institutions of higher education – partners.

2. Participate in academic mobility programs (in particular, Erasmus+).

3. Do an internship abroad.

4. To gain knowledge by attending lectures of foreign teachers or teachers of the department who participate in academic mobility programs, undergo a scientific and pedagogical internship in partner higher education institutions abroad and vice versa.

5. To receive knowledge of the specialty in English (additionally) in the case of studying the components of the educational program from teachers who have received certificates of proficiency in English not lower than B2.

6. To receive professional advice from representatives of state authorities, representatives of business structures, etc. during tours of institutions and organizations.

7. To participate in scientific forums, International and All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, as well as international educational projects.

The student scientific circle “Potential” operates on the basis of the department. Students of the circle developed:

1. Stand for checking the serviceability of frequency converter elements.

2. Stand for research of electric motor modes in the process of control from a frequency converter.

3. Stand for the study of energy modes of the pumping unit using a frequency converter.

4. Stand for the study of energy modes of a fan installation with a valve motor.

5. Research stand for energy-efficient modes of an asynchronous electric drive with semiconductor converters.

6. 3D printer.

5. Employment.

The main employment enterprises are the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Power Engineering and Automation “Energy” of NTUU “KPI”, ANTK named after OK. Antonova, “National Energy Company “Ukrenergo”, OJSC “KYIVMETALOPROM”, Design Institute of Steel Structures named after Shymanovskoho, LLC Ebm-papst, LLC “ETI Ukraine”, LLC “SP Dakpol”, SE “Siemens Ukraine”, ABB in Ukraine, Open Joint Stock Company “Slovyansky High-Voltage Insulator Plant”, LLC Scientific and Production Company “NAFTOGAZMASH”, LLC “NTK ENPASELECTRO”, LLC “RAUT-avtomatik”, Joint-Stock Energy Supply Company “Kyivenergo”, DNVP “Electronmash”, KB DPVO “Kyivprilad”, LLC “SV Altera Kyiv”, LLC “Enersis Ukraine” and others.

6. Educational programs.

The Department of Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes recruits students at all educational levels under the educational program “Engineering of Automated Electrotechnical Complexes”. Emphasis is placed on the formation and development of professional competences in the field of automation of electrotechnical complexes; study of theoretical and methodological provisions, organizational and practical tools in the field of automated electric drive, basics of electromechatronics, modeling of electrotechnical complexes, design of complex objects and systems, management of electrotechnical complexes.

Student-centered and problem-oriented learning is used, as well as learning through research practice and self-study. The system of teaching methods is based on the principles of purposefulness, binary – active direct participation of the teacher and the student. The main approaches to teaching and learning are humanism, student-centeredness, systematicity, technology, discreteness. The main types of classes: lectures, seminars, practical classes in small groups, laboratory practice, independent work, consultations with teachers, development of professional projects

7. State programs

Employees of the department participated in the development of a number of state energy saving programs and legislative acts:

1. “Comprehensive State Energy Saving Program of Ukraine for 2005-2020 (program sections: energy audit, energy management, energy labeling, energy certification)”;

2. “Comprehensive energy saving program of the Khmelnytsky region for 2001-2010”;

3. Program “Directions of education of the population of Ukraine in the field of energy saving”;

4. Program “Implementation of the energy audit system in Ukraine”;

5. Program “Development and implementation of the marking system for household electrical equipment.”

Employees of the department took part in the development of the Draft Law of Ukraine “On Energy Audit”

8. Publications and methodological developments of teachers.

The teachers of the department have published a number of textbooks, monographs, and National Standards. Of them, 21 textbooks (6 with the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and 3 with the seal of NTUU “KPI”), 18 monographs, 34 national standards of Ukraine, 170 copyright certificates and other intellectual property protection documents. The most important:

Teaching aids

1. Vynoslavskyi V.N., Rybchenko P.F., Popovych N.G., Polyanskyi N.A., Danylchuk G.I. Automation of production processes of coal mines, K.: Technika, 1964 –301 p.

2. Popovych N.G., Danylchuk G.I., Lysovsky V.S. Yanchuk H.M. Automation of production processes of coal mines: Textbook. help . – K.: Vyshcha shkola, 1978. -336 p.

3. Popovych N.G. Automatic regulation of installations in the coal industry Kyiv: Technika, 1970. – 302p.

4. Polyanskyi N.A., Ryabenko I.S. Solovei A.I. Mine electrician’s reference manual [Text] / N. A. Polyansky, I. S. Ryabenko, A. I. Solovei. – Kyiv: Technika, 1973. – 323 p

5. Rosen V.P., Solovei O.I., Chernyavskyi A.V. etc. Energy audit Education. manual – Cherkasy: ChDTU, 2005. – 299 p. (with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine).

6. Bechvaya E.A., Rosen V.P. Demand forecasting: Methods and models: Training. manual – K.: OOP Communekonomika, 1996. – 196 p.

7. Rosen V.P., Solovei O.I., Chernyavskyi A.V. etc. Non-traditional and renewable energy sources: Education. guide.– Cherkasy: ChDTU, 2007.-483 p. (with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine).

8. Zakladnyi O.M., Prokopenko V.V., Zakladnyi O.O. Electric drive: Training. manual // – K.: NTUU “KPI”, 2007. – 316p.

9. Modeling of electromechanical processes and systems: Education. manual / O.V. Danilin, V.M. Chermalykh, P.V. Rosen. – K.: NTUU “KPI”, 2007. – 52 p.

10. Prokopenko V.V., Zakladnyi O.M., Kulbachnyi P.V. Energy audit with examples and illustrations: Training. guide.. – K.: Education of Ukraine, 2008. – 438p.

11. Zakladnyi O.M., Prokopenko V.V., Zakladnyi O.O. Electric drive: Training. manual // – K.: Publishing House “Education of Ukraine”, 2009. – 351p

12. Prakhovnyk A.V., Deshko V.I., Zakladnyi O.M. etc. Practical manual on energy saving for objects of industry, construction and housing and communal services, – Luhansk, ed. “Moonlight”, 2009, 696 p.

13. Prokopenko V.V., Zakladnyi O.M., Kulbachnyi P.V. Energy audit with examples and illustrations: Teaching manual. – K.: Education of Ukraine, 2009. – 438p.

14. Prakhovnyk A.V., Deshko V.I., Zakladnyi O.M. etc. A practical manual on energy saving for industrial, construction and housing and communal facilities of Ukraine, Luhansk, Moonlight, 2010, 696 p.

15. Prakhovnyk A.V., Deshko V.I., Zakladnyi A.N. etc. Practical manual on energy saving for industrial, construction and housing and communal facilities in Ukraine: – Luhansk, Lunnysvet, 2011, 696 p.

16. Digital electric drive control systems: Education. manual / O.V. Chermalykh, O.V. Danilin, I.Ya. Maidanskyi, A.V. Bosak – K.: NTUU “KPI”, 2012. – 72 p.

17. Lebedev M.M. Communal system complexes of the city economy: Education. manual / M.M. Lebedev, A.D. Yesipenko, N.M. Kucherenko, L.M. Lebedev – K.: LOGOS, 2012. – 464 p. (with the seal of the Ministry of Youth Sports of Ukraine).

18. Rosen V.P., Solovei O.I., Chernyavskyi A.V. et al.: Education. manual Technical and economic calculations of power supply systems of industrial enterprises – Cherkasy: ChDTU, 2012.-251 p. (with the seal of the Ministry of Youth Sports of Ukraine)

19. Matvienko M.P., Rosen V.P., Zakladnyi O.M. Computer architecture // Education. manual. – K.: Lira-K, 2013. – 264 p. (with the seal of the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine).

20. Matvienko M.P., Rosen V.P. Computer circuitry. Education manual.. – K.: Lira-K, 2013. – 192 p. (with the seal of the Ministry of Youth Sports of Ukraine).

21. Adjustable electric drive: Textbook / I.M. Holodnyi, Yu.M. Lavrinenko, V.V. Kozyrsky, L.S. Chervinskyi, D.A. Abduramanov, A.V. Toropov, O.V. Sanchenko; Under the editorship I.M. Hungry – K.: CP “Comprint” LLC, 2015. – 509 p


1. Rosen V.P., Zhovtyanskyi V.A., Stoyanova I.I. etc. Strategy of energy saving in Ukraine: Monograph. Analytical and reference materials in 2 volumes: General principles of energy saving / Edited by V.A. Zhovtyanskyi, M.M. Kulik, B.S. Stogniya. – K.: Akademperiodika, 2006. – Volume 1. -510 p.

2. Rosen V.P., Zhovtyanskyi V.A., Solovei O.I. etc. Strategy of energy saving in Ukraine: Analytical and reference materials in 2 volumes: General principles of energy saving: Monograph. / Edited by V.A. Zhovtyanskyi, M.M. Kulik, B.S. Stogniya. -K.: Akademperiodika, 2006. -T.2. -600 p.

3. Lebedev M.M., Rosen V.P., Solovei O.I., Tretyakov I.M.,

4. Chernyavsky A.V. Energy audit in the housing and communal economy: Monograph. – K.: Autograf, 2006. – 60 p.

5. Rosen V.P., Solovei O.I, Brzhestovskyi S.V., Chernyavskyi A.V., Rosen P.V. Energy audit of housing and communal facilities: Monograph / Under general. ed. V.P. Rosena, O.I. Nightingale – K.: PP. VKF “DELTA FOX”, 2007. – 224 p.

6. Buryachok T.A., Rosen V.P., Solovei A.I. etc. Power engineering: present and future: Monograph. T4. Renewable energy. Functioning and development of energy in the modern world. – Kyiv, 2010. – 612 p.

7. Zakladnoi A.O., Zakladnoi O.A. Energy-efficient electric drive with valve motors: Monograph / A.N. Zakladnoi, O.A. Zakladnoi – K.: Libra, 2012. – 185 p.

8. Zakladny O.O., Zakladny O.M. Functional diagnosis of energy efficiency of electromechanical systems of mine stationary installations: Monograph / O.O. Zakladnyi, O.M. Zakladnyi – K.: Libra, 2013. – 187 p.

9. Guzov E.S., Sinchuk I.O., Rosen V.P., Karamanets F.I., Osadchuk Y.G., Boyko S.M. Aspects of energy efficiency of iron ore enterprises. Monograph / edited by OHM. Sinchuka. – Kryvyi Rih, 2017. -240 p

10. L.V. Davydenko, V.P. Rosen, N.V. Davydenko. Formation of energy-efficient modes of municipal water supply pumping stations: Monograph / Lutsk: Lutsk National Technical University, 2018. –104 p.

11. Davydenko L.V., Rosen V.P., Davydenko V.A., Davydenko N.V. Planning and control of electricity consumption of communal water supply facilities: Monograph / Lutsk: IVV Lutsk National Technical University, 2020. –160


General issues of electricity

Energy management and energy audit

1. Nakhodov V.F., Rosen V.P., Solovei A.I., Prakhovnyk A.V. – K.: State Standard. – 1994. – 15 p.

2. DSTU 3176-95 Energy conservation. Methods of determining energy consumption balances by mining enterprises / Developers: Rozen V.P., Solovei O.I., Nakhodov V.F. etc. – K.: State Standard of Ukraine. – 1995. – 30 p.

3. / Developers: Rosen V.P., Solovei O.I., Nakhodov V.F. etc. – K.: State Standard of Ukraine. – 1995. – 73 p.

4. DSTU 4472-2005 Energy conservation. Energy management systems. General requirements / Developers: V. Rosen, I. Sokolovska, O. Solovei, I. Stoyanova, A. Chernyavskyi. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2005. – 28 p.

5. DSTU 4715:2007 Energy conservation. Energy management systems of industrial enterprises. Composition and content of works at the stage of implementation of the energy management system / Developers: A. Butkevich, Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rosen, P. Rosen, O. Solovei, A. Chernyavskyi, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2007. – 14 p.

6. DSTU 4714:2007 Energy conservation. Fuel and energy balances of industrial enterprises. Methodology of construction and analysis / Developers: S. Kalugin, Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rosen, P. Rosen, O. Solovei, A. Chernyavskyi, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2007. – 33 p.

7. DSTU 4713:2007 Energy conservation. Energy audit of industrial enterprises. Procedure and requirements for the organization of works / Developers: Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rosen, P. Rosen, O. Solovei, A. Chernyavskyi, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2007. – 16 p.

8. DSTU 5077:2008 Energy conservation. Energy management systems of industrial enterprises. Composition and content of works at the stages of development and implementation / Developers: V. Rozen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei, K. Chernyavskyi. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2008. – 10 p.

9. DSTU ISO 50002:2016 (ISO 50002:2014, IDT) Energy audits. Requirements and instructions for their implementation / Developers: Rozen V., Vyatchanina S., Inshekov E., Mamalyga V., Ovdienko O, Rozen P., Sokolovska I., Stoyanova I., Chernyavskyi A. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2016 . – 37 p.

10. DSTU ISO 50003:2016 (ISO 50003:2014, IDT) Energy management systems. Requirements for bodies conducting audits and certification of energy management systems / Developers: Rozen V., Vyatchanina S., Inshekov E., Ovdienko O, Sokolovska I, Stoyanova I, Chernyavskyi A. -K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2016. – 30 s.

11. DSTU ISO 50004:2016 (ISO 50004:2014, IDT) Energy management systems. Guidelines for implementing and improving the energy management system / Developers: Rozen V., Vyatchanina S., Inshekov E., Kalita A., Ovdienko O., Rozen P., Sokolovska I., Stoyanova I., Chernyavskyi A.–K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2016. – 74 p.

12. DSTU ISO 50006:2016 (ISO 50006:2014, IDT) Energy management systems. Measuring the level of energy efficiency achieved using basic levels of energy consumption and energy efficiency indicators / Developers: Rozen V., Vyatchanina S., Inshekov E., I. Sokolovska I., Stoyanova I., Chernyavskyi A.– K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2016. – 52 p.

13. DSTU ISO 50015:2016 (ISO 50015:2014, IDT) Energy management systems. Measurement and verification of the level of achieved energy efficiency of organizations. General principles and guidelines / Developers: Rozen V., Vyatchanina S., Inshekov E., Kalita A., Ovdienko O., Rozen P., Sokolovska I., Stoyanova I., Chernyavskyi A. -K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2016 . – 50 s.

Energy labeling of household electrical equipment

1. DSTU 4081-02 Energy conservation. Energy labeling of household electrical equipment. General technical requirements / Rosen V.P., Solovei O.I., Zhovtyanskyi V.A. etc. – K.: Derzhstandard of Ukraine, 2002. – 19p.

2. Energy saving. Energy labeling of household electrical equipment. Determination of the energy efficiency of refrigerating devices / V. Rosen, O. Solovei, Yu. Nuzhdina and others. – K.: Derzhstandard of Ukraine, 2003. – 9 p.

3. DSTU 4351-2004 Energy conservation. Energy labeling of household electrical equipment. Determining the energy efficiency of washing machines / Developers: O. Solovei, V. Rosen, L. Shulga. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2004. – 20 p.

4. DSTU 4352-2004 Energy conservation. Energy labeling of household electrical equipment. Determination of the energy efficiency of air conditioners / Developers: V. Rosen, O. Solovei, L. Shulga. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2004. – 24 p.

5. DSTU 4441:2005 Energy conservation. Energy labeling of household electrical equipment. Determination of the energy efficiency of electric lamps / Developers: V. Rozen, O. Solovei, L. Shulga – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2005. – 24 p.

6. DSTU 4712:2007 Energy conservation. Energy labeling of household electrical equipment. Determination of energy efficiency of dishwashers / Developers: V. Rosen, O. Solovei, L. Shulga. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2007. – 24 p.

7. DSTU 4980:2008 Energy conservation. energy labeling of household electrical equipment. Determination of the energy efficiency of electric ovens / Developers: V. Rosen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei, L. Shulga – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2008. – 28 p.

8. DSTU 4992:2008 Energy conservation. Energy labeling of household electrical equipment. Determination of the energy efficiency of electric irons / Developers: V. Rozen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei, L. Shulga .– K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2008. – 32 p.

9. DSTU 5078:2008 Energy conservation. Industrial equipment, energy-consuming. Requirements for energy efficiency indicators / Developers: V. Rozen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei, L. Shulga. – K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2008 – 34 p.

10. DSTU EN ISO 15502:2009 Household refrigerating appliances. Test characteristics and methods / Developers: V. Rosen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei, L. Shulga .– K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2009.– 19 p.

11. DSTU EN 153:2009 Methods of measuring energy consumption and corresponding characteristics of household refrigerators, deep-cooling chambers, freezers and their combinations operating from the test electrical network / Developers: V. Rosen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei , L. Shulga .– K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2009.– 18 p.

12. DSTU EN 50304:2009 Kitchen stoves, cooking panels, ovens and grills, household electric. Methods of measuring the working characteristics of the test / Developers: V. Rosen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei, L. Shulga .– K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2009.– 16 p.

13. DSTU EN60311:2010 Household and similar electric irons. Methods of measuring the working characteristics of the test / Developers: V. Rosen, Yu. Nuzhdina, Yu. Shulga, O. Solovei, L. Shulga .– K.: Derzhspozhivstandard of Ukraine, 2010 .– 28 p.

14. DSTU 4351:2014 Energy labeling of household electrical equipment (determination of energy efficiency of washing machines) / Developers: Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rozen, O. Solovei, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga. – K.: Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2015. – 8p.

Management of energy systems and their automation

1. DSTU IES/TR 61850-90-1:2013 Communication networks and systems for automation of electric power enterprises / Developers: O. Degtyarev, T. Kisel, P. Lukyanchuk, Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rosen, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga – Kyiv: Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2014. -70 p.

2. DSTU-P IES/TR 62357:2013 Reference architecture for object models, services and protocols / Developers: O. Degtyarev, T. Kisel, P. Lukyanchuk, Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rosen, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga. – Kyiv: Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2014. -22 p.

3. DSTU IES/TS 62351-5:2013 Management of energy systems and the related information exchange of data and communications security (Part 5) / Developers: О. Degtyarev, T. Kisel, P. Lukyanchuk, Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rosen, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga. – Kyiv: Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2014. -44 p.

4. DSTU IES/TS 62351-6:2013 Management of energy systems and the related information exchange of data and communications security (part 6) / Developers: О. Degtyarev, T. Kisel, P. Lukyanchuk, Yu. Nuzhdina, V. Rosen, L. Shulga, Yu. Shulga. – Kyiv: Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine, 2014. -10 p.

Copyright certificates and other intellectual property protection documents

1. Dubovik V.G., Lebedev L.N., Demchik Y.M. Tarasyuk A.P. A method of protecting an electric motor using two-dimensional monitoring vectors. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 117169 dated June 26, 2017. IPC H02H 7/08. Bulletin “Industrial Property”, No. 12, 2017

2. Dubovik V.G., Lebedev L.N., Demchik Y.M., Gurov G.V. A method of electric motor protection using three-dimensional monitoring vectors. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 117170 dated June 26, 2017. IPC H02H 7/08. Bulletin “Industrial Property”, No. 12 of 2017

3. Dubovik V.G., Lebedev L.N., Dokshina S.Yu., Matushkin D.S. Frequency converter protection device. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 119804 dated 10.10.2017 IPC H02H 7/10. Bulletin “Industrial Property”, No. 19 of 2017

4. Dubovik V.G., Lebedev L.N., Khotyan A.A., Novikov G.I. Pumping unit control device. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 119860 dated 10.10.2017 for a utility model. IPC F04D 15/00. Bulletin “Industrial Property”, No. 19 of 2017

5. Dubovik V.G., Lebedev L.N., Demchik Y.M., Dokshina S.Yu. Method of electric motor protection using monitoring vectors. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 116392 dated May 25, 2017. IPC H02H 7/08. Bulletin “Industrial Property”, No. 10 of 2017

6. Lebedev V.M., Lebedev L.M. Application for a utility model. Entrance No. 259755. Date of receipt 10/19/2017. Application number u2017 10102. Method of development of low-power steeply falling ore bodies.

7. Dubovik V.G., Lebedev L.N., Lytvynenko S.O., Drachov E.V., Palamarchuk O.P. Frequency converter protection device. Application No. u 2017 04606 dated 12.05.17 for a utility model. IPC H02H 7/10.

Employees of the department received a license:

Dubovik V.G., Lebedev L.N., Naboka A.D., Glushchenko V.R. License No. 17-2. Method of determining the technical condition of the electric motor during start-up. Patent of Ukraine No. 110787 “Energy-Solutions” LLC.

Industry methods

1. RTM 12.25.010-81 (Minugleprom of the USSR). Ukazaniya po regulirovanie regimes elektropotrebleniy na predpriyatyakh ugnolynoy industriyy / Prakhovnyk A.V., Mynovsky Y.P., Rosen V.P. etc. – Moscow: IGD named after A.A. Skochinsky -1981. -145 p.

2. M0013184.0.33-04 Typical methodology of energy audits of industrial enterprises./ Developers: V. Rozen, O. Solovei, A. Chernyavskyi, Yu. Shulga. – K.: State Committee for Energy Conservation of Ukraine, 2004. – 70 p.

3. KST Standardization of specific consumption of thermal energy and fuel at the facilities of OJSC “Ukrtelecom, Metodika” / Rosen V.P. -1987. -27s.

9. Information about the composition of the department

Currently, the total number of professors and teachers of the AEMK department is 27 full-time employees and four part-time employees. The basic education of teachers corresponds to the profile of the disciplines taught by them. Personnel support of the department meets the requirements for educational institutions of the 4th level of accreditation, and those that have the status of National. The Department of Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes employs:

– 6 professors: Boychenko S.V. – head of the department, Rosen V.P., Shevchuk S.P., Terentyev O.M., Zaichenko S.V., Slidenko V.M.;

– 11 associate professors: V.G. Horodetskyi, O.V. Danilin, L.K. Listovshchik, O.V. Chermalykh, V.M. Permyakov, B.L. Tyshevych, A.V. Toropov, A.V. Bosak, Kulakovskyi L.Ya., Meita O.V., Vorfolomeev A.V.;

– 4 senior teachers: Dubovik V.G., Pryadko S.L., Maidansky I.Ya., Polishchuk V.O.;

– 5 assistants – Osadchuk M.P., Toropova L.V., Mugenov D.D., Dokshina S.Yu., Khotyan A.A.

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Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК