Admission to the master’s degree

Admission to the master’s degree is carried out to train specialists in the specialty 141 – Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics.

KPI graduates named after Igor Sikorsky, who wish to enter the master’s program and pass the EMI / EFVV, will be registered exclusively through the “Electronic Campus” system.

If you want to continue your education under the educational program “Engineering of intelligent electrical and mechatronic complexes”, then to enter the study by state order it is necessary to make:

1. The only entrance exam in a foreign language (EMI) in the form of an EIT, and for this – to register for the EMI from May 11 to June 3 (until 18.00) and June 30 to pass English, German, Spanish or French. This year, the only entrance exam in a foreign language must pass all entrants to the master’s program KPI. Igor Sikorky without exception.

2. Comprehensive professional test – a program of complex professional test for admission to the master’s program in 141 Electrical Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics 2020. Entrance tests can be made from July 24 to July 30 inclusive in accordance with the schedule of certification commissions. The schedule of the attestation commission and the schedule of entrance examinations can be found on the IEE website.

The only entrance exam in a foreign language or simply an external examination in a foreign language for admission to a master’s degree will be conducted under the same program as for admission to the first year on the basis of complete general secondary education, except for parts “Written speech” and “Language comprehension by ear” . Applicants to the master’s program will consist only of parts “Reading” and “Use of language”. This year we can count the results of EVI 2020 and 2021.

Applications for admission to the master’s program are submitted exclusively electronically. Up to 5 applications can be submitted by state order, the number of applications at the expense of individuals and / or legal entities – a maximum of 30. In order to submit documents, you need to register an electronic cabinet from July 1. Applications can be submitted from July 15 to July 23 inclusive.

Admissions committee schedule and stages of the admission campaign

Training period:

Educational and professional training program: 16 months

Educational and scientific training program: 22 months.

 Enrollment in the master’s program is carried out on a full-time basis at the expense of the state budget and under the contract (at the expense of physical and legal axes) and by correspondence form of study at the expense of the state budget and under the contract.

If you want to continue your education in the educational program “Engineering of intelligent electrical and mechatronic complexes”, then to enter the training you must make :

– comprehensive professional test;

– foreign language (it is obligatory to register and pass EIT in a foreign language (EVI in the form of EIT)).

– in 2020, the additional test was canceled.

Volumes of the state order for admission to the master’s degree

Table of correspondence of the List of areas in which training was carried out in higher educational institutions at the educational and qualification level of bachelor (List 2010) List of branches of knowledge and specialties in which training of applicants for higher education is carried out (List 2015)

Admission to Master ‘s Degree Download

Educational and scientific program of the second (master’s) level of higher education Engineering of Intellectual Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes Download

It’s time to apply for extra points!

🔸 From 17.05.2021 to 30.05.2021 students can submit documents that give grounds for taking into account additional points in the success rating. Please note that this semester, the submission of supporting documents will be through Google forms. Be careful when filling them out and read all the instructions.

In the updated article in the telegraph you will learn:
• how to calculate the success rating
• what additional points are taken into account
• when and where to send supporting documents
• when decisions will be made and lists will be published
• who to ask questions

Реєстраційна форма для абітурієнтів
Молодий вчений року
Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК