Scientific work of students

Distinctions for scientific work «Energy modes of asynchronous electric drive of a pump unit with a frequency converter» in the II round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers 2019/2020 academic year in the field of «ENERGY»


in the discipline   “Engineering of electromechanical systems”

Course 5          
Semester 10 Group OA-01 MP, pl

The headStudentThe group
Bosak A.V.1. Alexey Bodnaruk 
2. Curly Andrew 
3. Ganzha Vladimir 
Kulakovsky L.Ya.1. Vival Paul 
2. Oleg Kornienko 
Lebedev LN1. 
Maidansky I.Ya.1. 
Permyakov VN1. 
 Pryadko SL1. Kharkevich Roman 
 2.Lunyaka Vladislav 
Toropova LV1. Jenchako Danilo 
Tyshevich BL1. Sergey Pilipenko 
Чермалых А.В.1. Rizanenko Ivan 
 2. Maxim Storozhuk 
Shulga Yu.I.1. 

Andriy Mykolayovych Horobets, a third-year student of the OA-71 group, received a first-degree diploma for student research work “Energy modes of an asynchronous electric drive of a pump unit with a frequency converter” in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of Energy. Summing up the results of the Competition in the field of “Energy” took place on March 25, 2020.Information letter on the achievements of the AUEK department in 2020 Download

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