Defense of master’s dissertations of foreign students of IEE in the remote mode

This academic year, at the Department of Power Supply of the Institute of Energy Conservation and Energy Management (IEE), nine of the seventeen undergraduate students are citizens of other countries studying in English-language training programs in “141 Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electromechanics”. 

After the introduction of quarantine, the difficult task arose to ensure the continuity of the educational process of foreign nationals in English, and in particular six undergraduates who had to complete the preparation of dissertations. I must say that the graduating department headed by Dr. Sc., Professor Popov VA It took a lot of effort to ensure that all foreign students passed all the necessary procedures on time and were allowed to defend their master’s theses. Meetings of IEE examination commissions were held on schedule, but remotely, in the format of Internet conferences (ZOOM).

At a meeting of the examination commission chaired by Dr. Sc., P. N. s., head Department of the Institute of Electrodynamics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Yurchenko OM students of the specialization “Systems of providing consumers with electricity” presented and successfully defended their works:

  • Almabrok Rashed Bashir Elhadi, a citizen of Libya, the topic of the master’s dissertation “Combined method of data recovery on electricity consumption” (supervisor: Professor of Power Supply, Ph.D. Voloshko AV); 
  • Faraj Bader Juma Musbah, a citizen of Libya, the topic of his master’s dissertation “Analytical support for the deployment of ASKOE in the power system of Libya” (supervisor: Associate Professor of Power Supply, Ph.D. Kotsar OV).

At the meeting of the examination commission chaired by Dr. Sc., Professor, Corresponding Member. NAS of Ukraine, Head Department of the Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Baska BI students of the specialization “Energy Management and Energy Efficient Technologies” presented and successfully defended their works:

  • Dango Ibrahim, a citizen of Senegal, the topic of the master’s dissertation “Dynamics of electricity demand in rural and remote regions (on the example of the Republic of Senegal)” (supervisor: Associate Professor of Power Supply, Ph.D. Strelkova GG); 
  • Taftisht Badis, a citizen of Algeria, the topic of his master’s dissertation “Peculiarities of assessing the quality of power supply in systems with sources of distributed generation” (supervisor: Associate Professor of Power Supply, Ph.D. Derevyanko DG); 
  • Sharadze Richard, a citizen of Georgia, the topic of his master’s dissertation “Choosing a scenario for the development of generating capacity in the power system of Ukraine” (supervisor: Professor of Power Supply, Dr. Nakhodov VF);
  • Shuacria Abdeljalil, a citizen of Algeria, the topic of his master’s dissertation “Demand management systems for local energy supply systems” (supervisor: Professor of Power Supply, Dr. Denisyuk SP).

Both chairmen of the examination commissions noted the good level of training of foreign masters of IEE, which, of course, is also a positive assessment of the teaching staff of the graduating department. 

According to the results of the curriculum and defense of master’s theses, two foreign students – Dango Ibrahim and Sharadze Richard, were recommended to issue diplomas with honors.

And although the format of the examination commission meetings this year was unconventional, the defense of master’s dissertations took place according to the usual procedure. Students, as always, were worried about their speeches, members of examination boards asked many questions, the secretary read pre-received reviews and reviews, undergraduates in the first year of study observed the defenses as guests and “cared for their own.” The joyful emotions of all participants of the meetings after the announcement of the results of the defense were transmitted through the monitor screens – the test was passed.

Of course, remote work will not replace live communication between teachers and students. But the new challenges require the rapid adaptation of all participants in the educational process, and in my opinion, recent months have proven the ability of our university to move with dignity towards the digital future.

 Chernetska Yu.V.,
Ph.D., senior off Department of Power Supply IEE, Deputy. IEE Director for International Cooperation (on a voluntary basis)

The material was published in the university newspaper “Kyiv Polytechnic” (№ 22 of June 11, 2020)

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