“KPI for victory”. Special project

KPImedia is launching a new special project — interviews with Kyiv Polytechnic students who have been at the front since the beginning of the war. These are students, teachers, scientists and employees of KPI. Many of them took up arms for the first time. They only knew about frontline service from the news or movies. And today they are strong, hardened heroes who often become technical support for their units. Despite the difficult conditions and danger, none of them regrets their choice. And everyone should know about our defenders. The first story is about Kirill Garbuza, a student of NN IEE. On February 24, he went to the front as a volunteer. Kyrylo celebrated his 18th birthday in the trenches, where he completed his first course of study.

🎥 About training in the dugouts and tests under artillery fire – see the video.

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