The official opening of the scientific research laboratory took place in IEE

On October 20, 2022, the official opening of the research (experimental) laboratory for the diagnosis of operating materials in energy and transport took place at the National Institute of Energy and Energy. With this mission, the vice-rector for scientific work of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi professor Vitaly Pasichnyk. The purpose of creation and the vision of the laboratory was represented by the director of the institute, Professor Serhiy Denisyuk. The mission and main tasks of the laboratory’s functioning were represented by the scientific supervisor, Professor Serhii Boychenko, and the head of the laboratory, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Iryna Shkilniuk. During the presentation, it was emphasized that in July 2022, on the basis of the laboratory, the scientific group of chemical reliability and energy-saving technologies in energy and transport was recognized as the winner among scientific and technical developments in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of June 17, 2022 No. 565 and began the implementation of priority scientific research on the topic “Development of technology for the production of ecologically safe high-octane aviation gasoline from domestic raw materials.” The vice-rector wished the team new scientific results and creative achievements!

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