The scientific group of the AEMС department received a certificate as a finalist of the Festival of Innovation Projects Sikorsky Challenge

From October 24 to 27, 2023, the XII International Festival of Innovation Projects “Sikorsky Challenge 2023” took place (…/). The scientific group of the AEMС department and the DEMET Scientific Research Interactive Laboratory of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management took part in the work of the “Defense and Security. Aviation and Space” section and received a certificate as a finalist of the Sikorsky Challenge Festival of Innovation Projects.

Thank you Sikorsky Challenge for a powerful event that brought together such a large number of innovators and allowed us to share ideas with a highly motivated audience.

And we set ourselves the goal of becoming winners!

Congratulations to all the finalists of the competition and we wish you not to stop!

Thanks to the team for the efficient work!

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