Competition “Young Scientist of the Year – 2023”

📯 Competition “Young Scientist of the Year – 2023”

🔸 In order to recognize the achievements of young scientists of Ukraine in various fields of knowledge, the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science has announced the annual competition “Young Scientist of the Year – 2023”. The competition has 4 thematic blocks, which include 100 different nominations. The scientific achievements of the nominee are submitted at the end of 2023.

📋 The Regulations of the Competition, the list of nominations and the criteria for their evaluation can be found in detail at the link.

📝 To participate in the competition, you must submit an application in electronic form by March 10, 2024 at the link.

🕑 When:

   – application deadline – March 10;

   – Award ceremony – May 18.

💭 Do you have any questions?

The coordinator of the competition is Olena Levanda

For other questions, write to the bot @VORS_team_bot of the Department of Organizational and Educational Work with Students. Good luck!

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