Accreditation of educational programs

Accreditation of the master’s training program

From October 23 to 25 by the National
Agency from ensuring the quality of higher
education will conduct an online accreditation
examination educational and professional
program “Engineering intellectual electrical
engineering and mechatronics complexes” at
the second (master’s) level of higher education
in specialty 141 “Electric power engineering,
electrical engineering and electromechanics”.

Self-assessment information can be found at the link.

The online visit program is published at the link.

As part of the work of the expert group, an open online meeting will be held, which anyone can join using the link (Conference ID: 883 2374 8737. Access code: 287929).

Accreditation of the bachelor’s educational program

From March 15 to 17 by the National Agency
from ensuring the quality of higher education
will conduct an online accreditation
examination educational and professional
program “Engineering intellectual electrical
engineering and mechatronics complexes” at
the first (bachelor’s) level of higher education
in specialty 141 “Electric power engineering,
electrical engineering and electromechanics”.

Self-assessment information can be found at the link.

The online visit program is published at the link.

As part of the work of the expert group, an open online meeting will be held, which everyone can join by following the link (Meeting ID: 880 5166 0594, Passcode: 2023).

Реєстраційна форма для абітурієнтів
Молодий вчений року
Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК