Boichenko Serhii Valeriiovych

Head of the Department of AEMC
Education and scientific and pedagogical activity:
He graduated from the Kyiv Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (now the National Aviation University) in 1992 with a degree in Air Transport Operation and received the qualification of Technical Operation of Storage, Transportation, Refueling and Quality Control of Fuels and Lubricants, Diploma FV No. 833512 (Diploma with honors) on June 18, 1992.
He began his work experience in 1990-1991 at the Civil Aviation Plant No. 410.
In 1998-2006, he was the head of the Testing Center for Petroleum Products of the Ukrainian Center for Aviation Chemistry and Product Certification “UTSAH-SEPRO”.
In 2005, he founded and headed the Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Chemical Motology and Certification of Fuels and Lubricants and Technical Fluids.
In 2007, he founded and became the Head of the Department of Chemical Motology at the National Aviation University. At the same time, he was appointed Deputy Vice-Rector for Research.
In 2011, after the reorganization of the Department of Chemical Motology, he became the Head of the Department of Ecology of the Institute of Environmental Safety of the National Aviation University.
[ 1992-1995 ] engineer, postgraduate student at the Research Institute;
[1995-1996 – Engineer at the Department of Technical Operation of Storage, Transportation, Storage and Refueling of Fuel and Lubricants;
[1996-1998 – Assistant Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Fuels and Lubricants;
(1998-2005) Associate Professor, Doctoral Student of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Head of the Product Testing Center;
Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Director of the Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Chemotology and Certification of Fuels and Lubricants; [ 2005-2007 ];
[2007-2008 – Deputy Vice-Rector for Research;
[Head of the Department of Chemical Motology, Director of the Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Chemical Motology and Certification of Fuels and Lubricants (2007-2011);
(2011-2018) Head of the Department of Ecology, Scientific Director of the Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Chemical Motology and Certification of Fuels and Lubricants;
[ 2018-11.2020 ] Director of the Institute of Environmental Safety (Dean of the Faculty of Environmental Safety, Engineering and Technology, Scientific Director of the Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Chemical Motology and Certification of Fuels and Lubricants;
[ 11.2020-30.06.2021] Scientific Director of the Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Chemical Motology and Certification of Fuels and Lubricants, Leading Researcher;
[ 01.09.2021- 31.01.2022] Professor of the Department of Heat Engineering and Energy Saving, IEE, NTU “KPI”;
[01.02.2022- present] Head of the Department of Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes, Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, diploma DD №003793 (September 16, 2004).
Research interests:
Efficient, energy-saving and rational use of traditional and alternative fuels and lubricants, prevention of losses of motor fuels
from evaporation during storage, transportation and various
technological operations in the oil supply system.
Energy technologies for obtaining and implementing alternative (reformulated) motor fuels, in particular, hydrogen technologies and the use of hydrogen motor fuels in the operation of machinery.
Ecology and transport recycling.