On November 7, 2023, a tribute was paid to an outstanding scientist, teacher, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Engineering Sciences of Ukraine, honored inventor of Ukraine, honored professor of KPI named after Igor Sikorsky – Professor Chermalykh Valentyn Mykhailovych. For more than 40 years, his life was connected with KPI, where he worked since 1973 as the head of the Department of Automation of the Mining Industry (AGP) (now Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes (AEMK)), a professor. Chermalykh V.M. is the founder in 1974 of the scientific school “Theory, technical solutions of optimal energy-saving electric drive systems and technological processes with microprocessor control”. In a short period of time under the leadership of Professor Chermalykh V.M. laboratories equipped with modern equipment and the latest computer technology were created. Laboratories of the basics of electric drive, electric drive of mining machines and installations, theories of automatic control, automation of underground and open mining operations, microprocessor control systems, personal computer classes, etc. have been created. During the period of active scientific and pedagogical work of Professor Chermalykh V.M. more than 250 printed works were published, including 38 copyright certificates for inventions. Actively works in the field of training of highly qualified personnel, in particular, working in two specialized councils for the defense of candidate and doctoral theses. From 1978 to 2000, he was a member of the section of the Committee on State Awards of Ukraine. Under his leadership, 34 graduate students defended their PhD theses, including 7 – citizens of foreign countries (Germany, Algeria, Syria, Jordan). 5 of his students became doctors of technical sciences, professors. The influence of the scientific school of Prof. Chermalikha V.M., through his students, his scientific achievements and pedagogical contribution to the development of the scientific and educational environment of the Department of Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes and the Institute as a whole for many years was and continues to be an indisputable factor in our university. 33 years old prof. Chermalykh V.M. headed the department. The team went through a lot of tests with him and every time it was updated and acquired new technological features. Thus, in 1989, in connection with the reorganization and opening of new specialties, two departments were founded on the basis of the department of automation of the mining industry – the department of automation of management of electrotechnical complexes (AUEK), which was again headed by prof. Chermalykh V.M. (and since 2006, Professor Rosen V.P.) and the Department of Mining Electromechanics (“Electromechanical Equipment of Energy-Intensive Industries (EMOEV)”, head Prof. Shevchuk S.P.). And in 2021, in connection with the large-scale reorganization of the structural units of the university, the teams of the AUEK and EMOEV departments formed a joint department of automation of electrotechnical and mechatronic complexes, which in 2022 was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Boychenko S. V. Today, the department continues and develops the traditions of the scientific-pedagogical team and scientific school established by Professor V.M. Chermalykh.
Ceremonial opening of the plaque in memory of Chermalykh Valentyn Mykhailovych
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- Реєстрація абітуріентів КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського 2024
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