Components of the national multidisciplinary test: mathematics

🔸 UTSOYAO continues to publish clarifications on the components, structure and evaluation of the national multi-subject test (NMT). What should be known and remembered by entrants to the KPI. Igor Sikorsky?
• The content of the tasks of the BMT unit in mathematics will correspond to the current program of external examinations in mathematics ( This program covers all topics in algebra and geometry that were studied in the school year.
• There are 20 tasks waiting for you. There will be no open-ended tasks with a detailed answer.
• You can get from 0 to 30 points for performing the tasks of the BMT unit in mathematics. You will know your result (ie the number of points scored for correctly completed tasks) after completing the BAT blocks.
• Later, the result of each block will also be translated into a scale of 100-200 points. To get a result on a scale of 100-200, it will be enough to score at least one test score.
• If you studied mathematics at the standard level at school, you will be able to cope with all the tasks of BMT.

📋 More about everything in the article on the website ( of the Admissions Committee (

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KPI # Introduction2022

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