History of the Department

The Department of Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes is the leader in Ukraine in the training of specialists under the educational program “Engineering of intelligent electrotechnical and mechatronic complexes” specialty 141 “Electroenergetics, electrical engineering and electromechanics”. The uniqueness of this training lies in the complex combination and synergistic professional result of knowledge and skills, which include electrotechnical and mechatronic objects (installations and complexes with electric, hydraulic and pneumatic drives), computer, microprocessor devices for their automation, control of work modes, self-monitoring parameters of functioning, testing and diagnostics in various technological processes of energy-efficient production. The department also trains specialists under three certificate programs: “Engineering design of electrical and mechatronic systems”, “Engineering and automation of hydrogen energy systems and technologies”, “Engineering and automation of fuel and energy systems and bioenergy technologies”.

The origins of the department date back to 1949, when the Department of Mining Electromechanics was founded at the Mining Faculty of KPI. Due to the need for reorganization, the opening of new specialties, the increased demand for specialists in the automation of mining production processes, the development of the division was reflected in the establishment of the Department of Automation of the Mining Industry (AGP) in 1967, and in 1989 of two departments – the Department of Automation of the Management of Electrotechnical Complexes ( AEMK), which was headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, prof. Chermalykh V.M. (since 2006 – Doctor of Science, Prof. Rosen V.P.), and the Department of Mining Electromechanics, which was headed by Doctor of Science, Prof. S.P. Shevchuk Further development and the objective necessity of system integration of the potentials of scientific and pedagogical teams led to the logical unification of these units, which formed the modern Department of Automation of Electrotechnical and Mechatronic Complexes (AEMK) in 2021. In February 2022, as a result of the competition, a well-known expert in the field of rational use of energy resources, ecologically clean energy technologies and energy-saving use of traditional and alternative motor fuels and ecology in transport and energy, an academician of the Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy, Doctor of Technical Sciences, was chosen as the head of the department. Professor Serhiy Valeriyovych Boychenko. Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor V.P. Rosen became the scientific head of the department. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor S.P. Shevchuk became a consultant on issues of strategic development and the dual world.

Today, the staff of the department consists of 27 full-time scientific and pedagogical workers, of whom 6 are doctors of science and 11 are candidates of science; 4 part-time employees, including 3 doctors of science, 1 candidate of science, 17 graduate students (one of them from the People’s Republic of China) are getting Ph.D.

The scientific activity of the department is represented by 6 scientific groups that ensure the development of the main scientific directions of the department and strengthening of creative ties with leading international scientific institutions and organizations.

Within the scope of the work of scientific groups, over the past two decades, a wide range of research has been carried out on geomechatronic resource-saving technologies, adaptive shock-wave systems, systems for increasing the reliability and safety of electrical engineering objects, systems for controlling power consumption modes in industrial and municipal objects, systems for increasing energy efficiency of electrical engineering objects, improvement of new generation electric drive technology, chemical reliability and energy-saving technologies in energy and transport (S.V. Zaichenko, O.V. Chermalykh, V.M. Slidenko, V.G. Dubovik, V.P. Rozen , Boychenko S.V.).

The active conduct of scientific research is facilitated by the jointly created scientific research (experimental) interactive laboratory for diagnostics of operational materials in energy and transport (scientific director – Professor S. V. Boychenko, head of the laboratory – candidate of technical sciences I. O. Shkilnyuk). On the basis of the laboratory, the annual all-Ukrainian competition of scientific works of students and young scientists “Youth Intelligence” with international participation was launched. Rational use of nature and the latest energy-efficient technologies”, as well as the international scientific and technical conference “Theory and practice of rational use of traditional and alternative fuels and lubricants. Problems of chemotology”.

From 2021, the staff of the L.K. Listovshchik department and Slidenko V.M. have started carrying out scientific research on the topic “Simultaneous transformation of ambient heat and unwanted vibrations into electrical energy by means of nanotriboelectrification during intrusion-extrusion of a non-wettable liquid into nanopores”. The research, funded under the section “Advanced science – Future and new technologies” of the program “Horizon-2020” for 3.6 million euros, is carried out together with an international team of scientists representing CIC energiGUNE (Spain), University of Ferrara (Italy), Silesian university (Poland), University of Birmingham (Great Britain) and Tenneco (Belgium). The project is aimed at the development by the end of 2024 of an avant-garde device for the utilization of lost vibrational energy and the simultaneous collection of thermal energy of the environment and its transformation into electricity with unprecedented efficiency, which can be used, for example, in electric transport. And from 2022, the scientific group of chemical reliability and energy-saving technologies in energy and transport was recognized as the winner among scientific and technical developments in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of June 17, 2022 No. 565 and began the implementation of priority scientific research on the topic “Development of technology for the production of environmentally safe high-octane aviation gasoline from domestic raw materials”. The research received interest and partner support for the joint implementation of the development at one of the leading energy companies of Ukraine, PJSC UkraTatnafta.

Representatives of the department are active participants in improving the processes of technical regulation, standardization and certification in the energy sector, fuel and filling complexes and technologies through participation in the work of technical committees of Ukraine TK 48 “Energy Saving”, TK 38 “Standardization of Refinery and Petrochemical Products”, TK 197 “Hydrogen technologies”, TC 26 “Operation of aviation equipment”.

Developments of the department are finalists of the invention contests of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Sikorsky Challenge 2018-2022.

Recently, scientific and pedagogical cooperation with Eskişehir Technical University (Turkey), Rzeszów University of Technology (Poland), Riga Technical University (Latvia), Vilnius Technical University (Lithuania), Kosice Technical University (Slovakia), Suleyman Demirel University has been successfully developing. University) (Turkey), Warsaw Aviation Institute (Poland).

Employees and students are participants of the international academic mobility program “Erasmus+” with partner universities: ESKISHEHIR Technical University, Vilnius Technical University.

In order to develop and strengthen ties with employers, as well as to strengthen the level of professional training for the Master’s degree, the department launched dual education together with the leading energy company of Ukraine, PJSC DTEK Kyiv Regional Electric Networks.

The priority directions of the department’s development are the improvement of educational, methodological and scientific research work using the results of scientific research in the direction of physical processes (electrical, mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, electrochemical, etc.), which are implemented in components of electrotechnical, electrotechnological and mechatronic complexes of various industries production, as well as in the field of chemical reliability of equipment and technologies of traditional and alternative energy, bioenergy, hydrogen energy technologies and implementation in the educational and scientific process of the department of international grant programs, including under the EU programs “HORIZON EUROPA”.

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Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК