Regular meeting of the AEMK department

On October 18, 2023, another meeting of the department took place in a mixed mode. The focus of attention this time was personnel issues, the results of the annual self-analysis and, most importantly, the state of preparation for the accreditation examination. It is nice that the team unanimously recommended my colleague Anton Toropov to obtain the scientific title of associate professor! Keep it up! Personnel policy is the priority of our activity! During the discussion of the results of the self-analysis, strengths and weaknesses were identified and analyzed. A plan to eliminate inconsistencies has been developed. Discussions regarding the accreditation process under the Master’s OP OS were held constructively and effectively. Let’s stay in line! Let’s build the future together!!!

Реєстраційна форма для абітурієнтів
Молодий вчений року
Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК