Successful conduct of the master’s theses defense campaign

Colleagues, the time has come to report on the successful conduct of the master’s theses defense campaign during December 19-22, 2022. The State Examination Commission noted the high level of preparation and presentation of the master’s thesis. The commission marked 4 papers with an “excellent” grade and recommended the awarded master’s degrees (including exemplary diplomas) for admission to postgraduate studies. The lack of electricity and insufficiently comfortable conditions did not prevent the Commission and the master’s students from successfully practicing this benchmark event. The intense work of the academic supervisors, the methodical group of the department, the secretary of the DEC, which preceded the main action of the presentation of the thesis before the DEC, without a doubt provided a great result. The energy industry of our country received 21 more highly qualified specialists from our department! We are grateful and congratulate the newly graduated masters and everyone involved!!! Let’s build the future together!!!

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