The European Commission adopted a long-term plan #REPowerEU, which provides for the abandonment of Russian energy resources

Today, the European Commission adopted a long-term plan #REPowerEU, which provides for the abandonment of Russian energy resources.

The EC emphasizes that 85% of Europeans support the speedy abandonment of Russian oil and gas, for which the European Union spends almost € 100 billion a year.

The REPowerEU plan provides for:

✅ diversification of natural gas supplies, in particular the mechanism of joint procurement and joint work with supplier countries;

✅ strengthening energy efficiency measures, which will include the introduction of fiscal incentives for energy saving systems in heating, modernization of residential buildings;

✅ accelerate the introduction of renewable energy sources in industry, transport, energy production.

❗️The EC estimates that the implementation of the REPowerEU plan will cost € 210 billion by 2027. At present, we are talking about the accumulation of about € 300 billion to achieve the goals of developing alternative and renewable energy sources, clean technologies. МожнаYou can get acquainted with the document by following the link in the first comment.

➡️AUVERIC document that shows the enormous political and social support of Ukraine in the international arena, the readiness to increase sanctions against the aggressor.

❗️A large-scale and big plan will nullify attempts to “bargain”. This will make it easier for Europe to discuss with Hungary. There is money to give up Russian energy, but it needs clear projects and transparent use, not blackmail with ambiguous statements. 🇺🇦 The plan provides financial support to Ukraine in the initial stages of recovery. However, in the future our state must compete openly, offering clear and progressive projects to restore infrastructure and introduce “green” technologies.

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