The participation of the scientific group of the Institute “Chemmotological excellence of technology and energy and transport” at a practical seminar

The participation of the scientific group of the Institute “Chemmotological excellence of technology and energy and transport” at a practical seminar on the topic: “Organization and establishment of state-owned market surveillance in the field of viability of State Inspection”.

👉Participants of the call, among the speakers of the relevant departments and institutions, together with the fakhivtsy of the territorial and interregional territorial authorities of the Derzhekospektsii, discussed such important nutrition as:

🔺 the quality of motor fires on the calm market of Ukraine today;

🔺 the sale of petroleum products at gas stations is subject to the standards EN 228 (automobile gasoline) and EN 590 (diesel fuel);

🔺 assessment of product quality;

🔺 uncontrollable stosuvannya of additives, additives and barniki in the subjects of state activity, especially those, like rozpovsudzhuyut motor fuel of a wet brand.

🍀Під час зустрічі усі спікери наголошували на важливості виконання Директив ЄС, спрямованих на досягнення задоволеності якості моторних палив, методології раціонального їх використання, хіммотологічної надійності техніки, якості повітря, механізмів, що дозволяють скорочувати викиди парникових газів та попереджати первинне забруднення атмосфери оксидом азоту, неспаленими in carbohydrates, other toxic substances that are released through the use of gases and vipar in mechanical transport, creating (directly and indirectly) a threat to human health and dovkіllya. The rest of the vines will be folded to the edge through the vineyards of the non-acidic ash to the market of our country.

Through the introduction of the military camp, the specialists of the Derzhekoinspektsii timchasovo do not zdiisnyuyut state market supervision for compliance with the technical regulations of gasoline. This is the direct risk for spozhivachіv becoming a victim of dishonorable at hand pіdpriєmіyut, yakі razumіyut, scho through the fence carried out reverification of product characteristics rozpovsyudzhuvachіv and virobnikіv can be evil in this situation and realize it is unclearly painful. As a result, the dissatisfaction of our citizens is taken away, as they spend on repairing their transport, that colossal damage to the natural environment and the atmospheric fire.


EU directives:

🌱 Directive 98/70/ЄС of the European Parliament and for the sake of 13 July 1998 about the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel and the introduction of changes and additions to Directive Radi 93/12 / ЄС;

🌱 Directive 2009/30/ЄC of the European Parliament and for the sake of 23 April 2009 about making changes to the Directive 98/70 / ЄС, that there are technical issues related to gasoline, diesel fuel and gas oil;

🌱 about the introduction of changes to Directive Radi 1999/32/ЄС, what are the technical requirements related to fire, what is the best for ships of internal navigation;

🌱 Other legislators (technical regulations), normative and key documents issued in Ukraine.

Thanks to the organizers for the opportunity of professional communication, to the audience for their respect and positive feedback!

Let’s be future together!

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