To ensure the graduation of students, we inform you that students of the 1st year of the first (bachelor) level of higher education can send applications

In accordance with the order on the distribution of students between educational programs and to ensure the graduation of students from accredited educational programs, we inform you that students of the 1st year of the first (bachelor) level of higher education can send applications to the e-mail address by June 30. 2023 in the form of a photo/scan copy (with subsequent mailing of original applications) or electronic documents signed with an electronic digital signature (an unsigned version of the application, a signed application and a protocol for creating and verifying a qualified and improved electronic signature are provided).

For additional information, contact Artem Anatoliyovych Khotyan.


audio 412-22


Реєстраційна форма для абітурієнтів
Молодий вчений року
Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК