To the attention of entrants who have already passed the NMT

❓️We receive a lot of questions, why now the results are not always displayed in the electronic cabinets of those participants who passed the test, although they saw the result on the screen immediately after the NMT. Let’s explain⬇️ ☑️The results of the test must first be processed by the Ukrainian Center for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education. After that, the data from the UTSOYAO database must be transferred to the Unified State Electronic Database on Education, because it is the information from the EDEBO that is displayed in the electronic offices of entrants. ☑️It takes time to establish results and transfer them between bases. Specialists of both UTSOYAO and SE “Inforesurs” (technical administrator of EDEBO) are doing everything possible to speed up this process. In general, it can take about a week from the date of completion by a specific participant of the NMT. ⚠️So we really ask you to wait and not worry. The day of submission of the application does not in any way affect your competitive score or place in the ranking. Applications for NMT results are accepted until 6:00 p.m. on August 23, so there is more than enough time. Thank you for your understanding😇

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