Capacity Building for a New Generation of Scientists in Energy Security and Climate Neutrality
Вітаємо на кафедрі Автоматизації електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів
Ми готуємо інжиніринг-спеціалістів
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Capacity Building for a New Generation of Scientists in Energy Security and Climate Neutrality
Seminar to discuss and approve the provisions for taking into account the comments of the expert commission
Actual issues of energy saving and the use of alternative energy sources for business
Congratulations to the new doctor of philosophy: the thesis on adaptive impact fracture systems has been defended!
Congratulations to Leonid Kulakovsky on winning the Young Lecturer-Researcher-2023 competition
The scientific group of the AEMС department received a certificate as a finalist of the Festival of Innovation Projects Sikorsky Challenge
The work program of the expert group during the accreditation examination of the OPP “Engineering of intelligent electrotechnical and mechatronic complexes”
Invitation to a lecture on Academic Integrity
Dear colleagues! Scientific and technical library named after G. I. Denysenko invites students and teachers of KPI named after Igor Sikorskyi for the course of open lectures “Academic Honesty: the rules of the game or the matter of honor”. Academic integrity is an important factor in the success of universities, their scientists, teachers and graduates. The trust of […]
We invite you to participate in the IX International scientific-technical and educational-methodical conference
The National Technical University of Ukraine “Ihor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” invites you to participate in the 9th International Conference “Energy Management: Status and Prospects of Development – PEMS’23”, which will be held online on November 22-24, 2023.