A regular meeting of the AEMC department took place

The key issues discussed at the meeting were the current state of educational and scientific processes during the war and measures to support and improve it. In a warm business atmosphere, business was represented, discussed and recommended to the Academic Council of the Institute for approval of the draft program of the attestation exam for OS “Bachelor”. Serhiy Leonidovych Pryadko spoke on behalf of the working group of the Program developers. The issues of preparation for the forthcoming accreditation of the educational program (OP) were also discussed lively and constructively. Alla Vasylivna Bosak raised a set of issues here. Among them, the central issue was the provision of educational components (OK) OP methodological developments. It was discussed and decided to create a virtual methodological library of the department on a joint Google drive. At the same time, the creative teams of the department represented a number of methodological developments under the OK and decided to recommend them for further consideration at the methodological and academic councils of the institute.
A special feature of today’s meeting of the staff of the department was the participation of a stakeholder from the Institute for Circular and Hydrogen Economy Oksana Tarasyuk (Houston, USA) to intensify international activities and share experiences with representatives of educational institutions. It was agreed to set up a working group to develop a common format for cooperation. At the end of the meeting the staff switched to the mode of creative communication in synchronous and asynchronous modes with students.

We wish everyone good health, peace and prosperity!

Реєстраційна форма для абітурієнтів
Молодий вчений року
Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК