Computer control of technological processes, experiment, equipment

Lecturer: Toropov AV, Associate Professor
The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of students’ abilities:
• to synthesize algorithms for controlling electrical systems using methods of constructing discrete automata;
• to develop a control algorithm for modern logic controllers in specialized programming languages ​​that meet international standards for the requirements for the operation of electrical equipment.
• design a data transmission system based on various industrial interfaces, taking into account the format and volume of data;
• develop electrical circuits using programmable logic controllers in modern computer-aided design systems.
The task of studying the discipline is to form a system of subsequent knowledge and skills.
• methods of constructing discrete automata and logical control systems;
• standards for drawing automation diagrams and electrical engineering;
• principles of construction of data transmission systems for industrial purposes.
• to develop control schemes of electrotechnical complexes on the basis of programmable logic controllers;
• program in the Codesys software environment;
• solve problems of logical synthesis by methods of the theory of discrete automata.
Programming is carried out by methods of subject – oriented programming using the Codesys environment. Checking the efficiency of the developed control algorithm of the electrical complex is carried out in the emulation mode on a PC using the means of visualization of the technological process.

Section 1. Industrial networks and levels of industrial networks.
• Topic 1.1. OSI and TCP / IP reference models. Levels of industrial networks.
• Topic 1.2. Implementation of industrial networks at the physical level.
Section 2. Standard serial interfaces
• Topic 2.1. Coding of information.
• Topic 2.2. Communication interfaces of industrial controllers.
Section 3. Communication protocols.
• Topic 3.1. Basic protocols of industrial networks.
• Topic 3.2. Modbus protocol.
Section 4. Elements of computer automation systems.
• Topic 4.1. Programmable logic controllers
• Topic 4.2. Computer in automation systems
• Topic 4.3. Input / output means
• Topic 4.4. Microprocessor automation tools.
• Topic 4.5. Means of communication of automation elements with industrial computers
Section 5. Programming of computer systems
• Topic 5.1. IEC 61131-3 programming languages.
• Topic 5.2. Scada packages

Реєстраційна форма для абітурієнтів
Молодий вчений року
Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

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