Another week has passed, full of current events in our educational space. The meeting with the students of the 1st year of OS “Master” was vivid. They planned one meeting schedule, but the communication turned out to be so lively and constructive that they exceeded the limit twice! It only inspires! We discussed the current problems of learning during the past month, as well as the formation of the educational trajectory and development prospects of each individual! It is significant that the meeting took place on the eve of the accreditation examination for the Master’s OP OS, which the team expects in the near future. Together with the students, they actively discussed the functioning of our OP and the prospects for its improvement! It is gratifying that it is the masters who make a significant number of proposals for improving the educational environment under the OP. With such studentship, success is inevitable! Thanks for the communication! Let’s build the future together! Until the next meetings!
Meeting with students of the 1st year of OS “Master”
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- Порядок оцінювання, узагальнення та впливу на успішність студентів
- Результати опитування “Оцінка якості освіти очима роботодавців”
- Реєстрація абітуріентів КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського 2024
- Зареєструйте свій БЕЗКОШТОВНИЙ профіль Web of Science
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