Theory of automatic control-1. Linear systems

The second credit module of the discipline “Theory of automatic control”
Lecturer: Kulakovsky L.Ya., Art. teacher

The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of students’ abilities:

  • to analyze and synthesize linear automatic control systems, using the basic provisions of control theory;
  • use special methods of construction and research of control systems;
  • apply mathematical knowledge in the process of designing and building mathematical models of automatic control systems;
  • analyze the time and frequency characteristics of automatic control systems.

The task of  studying the discipline is to form a system of subsequent knowledge and skills .


  • methods of research of automatic and automated simple control systems;
  • calculation of automatic control systems for stability.


  • to evaluate the automatic control system according to the criteria of stability and rather complex technological processes
  • perform calculations of specific devices and automation systems based on standard regulators and controllers
  • evaluate the benefits of automation, which is to increase productivity and improve working conditions; performance of works in hard-to-reach or inaccessible to the person spheres; improving the accuracy, quality of technological processes; growth of reliability and technical and economic indicators and the general culture of production.

Students study the characteristics of transmission links, corrective devices of automatic control systems in the Matlab environment.

Example of control systems modeling and simulation results in Matlab environment


Section 1.  Fundamentals of the theory of automatic continuous control systems.

  • Topic 1.1  General principles of building automatic control systems.
  • Topic 1.2  Methods of mathematical description of elements and control systems.
  • Topic 1. 3  Dynamic characteristics of typical units and systems.

Section 2.  Methods for assessing the stability and quality of linear systems.

  • Topic 2.1  Analysis of the stability of linear systems.
  • Topic 2.2  Methods for assessing the quality of the regulatory process.
  • Topic 2.3  Ways to improve the quality of management (synthesis tasks)
  • Topic 2.4  Pulse and digital linear SAC.
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