Volodymyr Kramar: Biogas enrichment technologies and their characteristics

UABIO Friday with expert VOLODYMYR KRAMAR!

A scientific and practical online discussion with a senior researcher of the Institute of Technical Thermophysics of the National Academy of Sciences, head of the department of the Biomass Scientific Research Center, an UABIO expert.

🔥TOPIC: Biogas enrichment technologies and their characteristics


March 10 at 3 p.m. (Kyiv time).

Working language: Ukrainian.

Format: online.

The event is free with registration!

⚡️REGISTER at the link: https://forms.gle/aKMSPY3ggim69c6H6.

Registered participants will receive a link to connect online

seminar on the eve of the event.


Volodymyr Kramar’s presentation (up to 30 minutes);

Discussion (for an hour).


1. The difference in the chemical composition of biogas and biomethane, the main components that should be removed.

2. Classification of the main methods of biogas enrichment to biomethane.

3. The principle of action and technological schemes of the most common methods of biogas enrichment.

4. Basic production characteristics of biogas enrichment technologies, indicators of technology application efficiency.

5. Specific production and capital costs.

6. Spread of various technologies in the EU.


The specialist received his education at the Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Technologies in the field of “Industrial heat and power engineering” (heat and power engineer). Volodymyr Kramar is a candidate of technical sciences (processes and devices of food, microbiological and pharmaceutical industries).

He has over 30 years of work experience in scientific organizations, at manufacturing enterprises, and in communal energy. Advises on processing processes and technologies of energy use of biomass, energy efficiency, centralized heat supply, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

Join a fruitful discussion with an experienced theoretician and practitioner🙌

🇺🇸🇺🇦Online seminars UABIO Fridays take place with the support of the USAID Project “Economic Support of Ukraine”.

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