Cathedral disciplines

Theory of automatic control-1. Linear systems

The second credit module of the discipline “Theory of automatic control”Lecturer: Kulakovsky L.Ya., Art. teacher The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of students’ abilities: to analyze and synthesize linear automatic control systems, using the basic provisions of control theory; use special methods of construction and research of control systems; apply mathematical knowledge in the […]


Automation of technological processes, installations and complexes. Elements and devices of automation

Lecturer: senior teacher Dubovik Volodymyr Hryhorovych 1. The purpose and objectives of the credit module The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of students’ competencies: – ability to calculate and use individual elements of automation systems and equipment, elements of the theory of collection and processing of technological information, the formation of control […]


Computer control of technological processes, experiment, equipment

Lecturer: Toropov AV, Associate ProfessorThe purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of students’ abilities:• to synthesize algorithms for controlling electrical systems using methods of constructing discrete automata;• to develop a control algorithm for modern logic controllers in specialized programming languages ​​that meet international standards for the requirements for the operation of electrical equipment.• […]


Integrated computer mathematics systems

Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bosak Alla VasylivnaThe purpose of studying the discipline is to form in students the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of using the most modern integrated systems of computer mathematics in solving mathematical problems of different classes. The study of the material of this discipline is focused on the widespread use of computer […]


Digital control systems for electrical systems

Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Bosak Alla Vasylivna The purpose of studying the discipline – the formation of the student’s theoretical and practical knowledge of building digital models of electromechanical systems and creating effective control algorithms for their study in practice. The study of the material of this discipline is focused on the widespread use of computer […]


Catalogs of elective subjects of the department


Modeling of electrical systems

Lecturer: Ph.D., Associate Professor Alexander DANILIN The purpose of the disciplineThe purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of students’ competencies:– the ability to build complex models of electrical systems;– the ability to create universal, most effective algorithms for the study of electrical systems on a computer.The study of the material of this discipline […]

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