Engineering of automated electrical systems

  1. Mandatory (regulatory) components of OP

1.1. General training cycle

The name of the educational component
Ukrainian language for professional purposes
History of Ukraine
Physical Education
Foreign Language
science of law
Foreign language for professional purposes
Higher mathematicsDownload 1
Download 2
Download 3
general Physics
Engineering graphics
Computing and programmingDownload
Computer GraphicsDownload
Technical mechanics
Theoretical foundations of electrical engineering
Electric machines
Electrical materials
Fundamentals of metrology and electrical measurements
Electrical networks and systemsDownload
Electrical part of stations and substationsDownload
Relay protection and automationDownload
Electric driveDownload
Labor protection and civil protection

1.2. Cycle of professional training

The name of the educational component
Fundamentals of electromechatronicsDownload
Automation of technological processes, installations and complexesDownload
Course project on automation of technological processes, installations and complexesDownload
Electrical equipment and power supply of machines and installations of electrical complexesDownload
Automated electric drive of machines and installationsDownload
Course project on automated electric drive of machines and installationsDownload
Fundamentals of digital and analog circuitryDownload
Modeling of electrical systemsDownload
Fundamentals of automated design of electrical installations and complexesDownload
Electromechatronic systems of renewable energy sources
Systems of automation of engineering calculations of the electric driveDownload
Pre-diploma practice
Diploma design

2. Selective components of the OP

2.1. General training cycle

The name of the educational component
Educational component 1 of the Memory Catalog
Educational component 1 of the Memory Catalog
Educational component 1 of the Memory Catalog

2.2. Cycle of professional training

The name of the educational component
Educational component 1 of the F-CatalogDownload
Educational component 2 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 3 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 4 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 5 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 6 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 7 of the F-CatalogDownload
Educational component 8 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 9 of the F-CatalogDownload
Educational component 10 of the F-CatalogDownload
Educational component 11 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 12 of the F-Catalog
Educational component 13 of the F-Catalog
Реєстраційна форма для абітурієнтів
Молодий вчений року
Центр міжнародної освіти
Відділ академічної мобільності
Що таке інжиніринг інтелектуальних електротехнічних та мехатронних комплексів

Матеріально-технічне забезпечення кафедри АЕМК